Isle of Man Gaming License

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licenza gambling isola di man

With Tynwald (one of most ancient court worldwide) the Isle of Man is still independent from UK, so its law is. Such an independence many investment chances, to resident, investors and companies.

Its reputation as off shore court is everlasting, mostly about companies’ registration into a stable political system successfully blending flexibility and safety. Interest free loan included.

In the Isle if Man the government promotes gambling and e-business. It will keep on this policy giving you more and more benefits.

In 2001, Isle of Man was one of the first courts to pass a law that favors gambling, e-business, and any company investing in them.

In the Isle of Man the "Gambling Supervision Commission" was founded in 1962: it’s quite independent and made for protect and guarantee the web gambler.

The Isle of Man and its government worked really hard to get their worldwide reputation and now they’ve a got unique complete system to serve and support gambling and gamblers.

The Isle of Man Commission purpose is:

1.To Guarantee the worldwide excellence of its gambling system.
2.To promote competition
3.To ease modern services supply
4.To Guarantee a right and honest gaming
5.Children’s safe (and other weak categories too): to avoid any kind of exploitation.
6.To avoid any kind of crime, ever.

The tax for companies is always 0% (but there must not be isle residents betting).
Payments and game’s systems are supervised by Gambling Control commissioners.

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