7 cards stud Poker

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7 CARD STUD info and estimates

Seven-card Stud is a good gambling game that depends on chance, probability and skill to pretend. Anyway that’s not as pop as Texas Hold'em, especially online.


At the beginning players must pay an ante, a compulsory bet (1/5 small bet). Then cards will be dealt clockwise: 2 face down (hole cards), 1 face up (door card).

1st bet round will start: the player with the lowest door card take his compulsory bet (1/3 small bet, small bet or bring in). To determinate the lowest card, in case of parity, they go checking suits (♠ ♣ ♦ ♥). Then they all will bet (clockwise from the bring-it). Then they burn a card and deal another face up one (4st street)

NOTE: 3 raises allowed for each bet round.
For each fold, cards will pass to the muck: and no more checkable.


There are 3 middle bet rounds: 4th 5th 6th street.

Players receive a face up card in every round: the one with the best hand will start betting (in case of parity they’ll start from the one on dealers’ left)

With a face up pair, a player can bet the max, that’s called big bet.

Since 5th street, small bet become big bet.


They call it 7th street.

They burn a card and deal another face down to each player (still in), so he’s got 3 face down and 4 face up
(when there’s no cards left in the deck, they use to put down a community card, that is the 7th for all of the – even a burned one, if it’s needed). Finally there’s the last bet round and showdown (starting from who bet last). Even when none bets at 7th street, there will be the showdown (starting from the highest face up point).

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